Legal Notice

This website is the property of:


Rue de Léry


SIRET : 229 501 275 00684

Telephone: 01 34 48 48 45



Director of publication: Delphine TRAVERS, Director of Château d'Auvers.

Design, production and hosting: BUSINESS & DECISION EOLAS 29, rue Servan 38000 GRENOBLE

Purposes of our website

The purpose of this website is to promote the history and culture of the Château d'Auvers.

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 Intellectual property rights

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Corporate names, logos and brands mentioned on this website are the property of the Département du Val d'Oise or its partners. Reproduction in whole or in part of any part of the site without the express authorisation of the Département du Val d'Oise is prohibited under article L713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

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The present website authorises the creation of hypertext links, including deep links, to its pages. The site must be explicitly mentioned in the title of the link. The Département du Val d'Oise reserves the right to request the removal of any link that it considers to be inconsistent with the purpose of the site.

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